Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No More Scratchy Velcro!

Starting with our 10K race on August 25, the Seattle Marathon Association will be using the ChronoTrack timing system for all of our timed Races.
This new system promises to be a great improvement! Here are just a few of the benefits.

  • Can attach to bib or shoe
  • No chaffing velcro straps
  • No fee for un-returned chips
  • Recyclable
  • Landfill safe
We are always striving to improve the race experience for our participants and are excited for this newest step.


  1. Big improvement. I considered not running the SMA again because of the chaffing the velcro caused.

    1. Thank you Clark.

      This does seem like a change many of our participants will be pleased about. I am glad we have been able to do it.

  2. Hallelujah! Thank you thank you thank you.

  3. Such great news! I was going to skip it since I have a scar from the cuts I got from the strap last year.
